How To Grow Banana Trees In Cold Climates

How To Grow Banana Trees In Cold Climates


Video Transcript:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of plant fanatics today. I'm going to be talking more about cold Hardy bananas, so stay tuned. So if you guys haven't already check out my video where I actually have my cold hearted bananas growing, and I kind of give an overview of what you can expect from them. I wanted to give kind of a middle of the winter update on what your banana trees will look like. Uh, so that way people don't freak out whenever they see it. And wonder if their banana tree is dead behind me. These are the same bananas that you saw in my first video that were just huge and big and beautiful. Now look at them. There's not much to look at. This is completely normal. It's not something that you need to freak out about. They're not dead. Bananas are actually going to come back from the roots down in the bottom here. So even though all of this stuff is dead, uh, it is going to come back and I like to leave these bananas like this, uh, for most of the winter. And then right before spring, right before those temperatures are gonna, um, be going up again. I just like to come over with a machete or a saw or something like that. And I just chop them to right back here and I'll actually make another video about that. But I just kind of wanted to show you what you can expect from your banana trees in the middle of the winter. And just let you know that they're not dead. Now. This is a variety called Moosa. [inaudible]. If you get a knock cold Hardy, a variety of banana, then if you see this, it might be dead. So it depends on the variety. This is Moosa [inaudible] just to clarify for you guys. So if you want a cold Hardy, a banana, this is cold Hardy, all the way to zone five. So you can plant this in zone five and not worry about it. Just put a good layer of mulch on the bottom. Um, I recommend putting mulch on pretty much all of your plants. Um, but yeah, just put that good layer of mulch. They're going to look like this in the winter, right before spring, chop them back just to right there. And you're going to see those new stems coming up. Those new leaves coming up and it's going to look even better than it looked at the year before. So when you put these in the ground, the first year, they're going to grow quite a bit, but they're going to grow quite a bit every year. So they're going to look better and better every single year. And you're probably even going to have to come out here in the spring time and take away some of these, these little pups here on the side, just to keep, you know, kind of contain them. Cause they turn into a banana patch. That's kind of their growth habit. They just put more and more bananas out every year. So, um, don't freak out when your bananas look like this and stay tuned for our spring update and I'll show you exactly what I do right before spring hits. Thanks for watching the video guys.

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