Inside Our $40,000 Greenhouse: A Guided Tour

Inside Our $40,000 Greenhouse: A Guided Tour

Welcome to my sanctuary - a greenhouse worth $40,000! This place is truly special to me as it shelters parts of my personal plant collection, housing several of my cherished plants, including a lemon tree that I’ve been nurturing for almost a decade.

This tour aims to unpack the grand structure that ensures the optimal growth of my plants, showcasing the importance of factors like temperature regulation, ventilation, ideal watering systems, and heating systems. I will also discuss some key aspects that growers often overlook when setting up their greenhouses.

To purchase any of the items you see in our greenhouse, follow this link to our Amazon Storefront:

The Temperature Conundrum: Ensuring Optimal Conditions

Temperature fluctuations are critical when it comes to plant health. Ideally, we'd like to avoid a scenario where the temperature drops to 35 degrees and then rises to 90 degrees in quick succession as it could potentially harm the plants.

To ensure that such fluctuations don’t occur, we've retrofitted the greenhouse with ventilation and fans in each corner to ensure proper airflow and avoid hot/cold spots.

Effective Ventilation: A Breath of Fresh Air for Plants

Follow me to the vents installed for maintaining effective ventilation, a paramount factor for plant health. We have two 24 inch (diameter) fans that constantly keep the heat in check within the greenhouse. Linking them to thermospeed controllers makes it easier for me to control their speed and also regulate the temperature at which they get activated. This control mechanism prevents the unnecessary expulsion of heat during chilly nights, thereby saving on propane.

Across the greenhouse, we have an air intake vent. It's there to replace the hot air being exhausted by the fans. This ensures that the plants continuously receive fresh, cool air. Strategically placing the vents in opposite ends of the greenhouse also promotes a steady flow of air across the plants, eliminating any potential hotspots.

In the four corners of our greenhouse, we have 18-inch fans stirring up air flows to keep moisture levels nominal and prevent any instance of fungal growth.

"The ventilation system in a greenhouse is crucial and often get overlooked, but it's worth investing in it to maintain healthy, optimal growing conditions for your plants!"

The Watering System: Getting it Just Right

Our watering system is easy to set up yet highly effective. We have a hydrant connected to an underground pipe below the frost line, which eliminates the risk of water freezing during the winter. The pipe leads up into the greenhouse, where a hose timer helps manage watering schedules. We use orbit brands, but it's essential to consider quality and reliability when choosing a timer.

When it comes to our overhead watering system, it's made of half-inch irrigation tubing connected to valves, allowing us to shut down watering in unused sections. The nozzles used are a 360-degree deflector nozzle.

The Heating System: Creating a Cozy Environment

While a greenhouse needs to be warm, it's important to do the math and decide what kind of heating system would best help you maintain the desired warmth without overblowing the costs. Comparing electric with propane heaters in our scenario, we found that propane heaters were far more cost-effective and efficient.

We retrofitted an old propane heater, which ended up saving us money. However, be advised that the expenses of maintaining a greenhouse are nevertheless considerable.

Plant Collections: Our Prized Possessions

Housing a diverse range of plants like citrus, guava, pomegranate, coffee etc., our greenhouse truly is a plant lover's paradise. We've also got a collection of fig varieties, with over 165 types, although not all are currently offered for sale. We add new varieties only after testing their hardiness and productivity, ensuring our customers receive the best.


In summary, setting up a greenhouse is an intricate process. From deciding what type of temperature control and ventilation systems to use to ensuring that the watering and heating systems are optimal, there's a lot to consider. However, the result is rewarding - you grow the plants you love in an environment tailored for their healthy growth.

Enjoyed this tour? Do like the post, subscribe to the channel, and share it with friends contemplating setting up their own greenhouses. Don't forget to check out for some fantastic plant options. Happy growing!

"The whole point of having a greenhouse is to be able to grow what you want to grow. But it's very difficult to do that if the growing conditions are not optimal. With these features, I'm confident that our greenhouse will take our growing game to the next level."

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Thank you for all the wonderful information. I have a question, what fig trees will grow and produce figs in my zone? I live in zone 9b central Florida. Thanks Steven


I have a sunroom that we live in. South/West exposure. Love playing with plants altho I have a brown thumb overall. Recently interested in fig, citrus and banana plants as I am able to overwinter in sunroom. I’m in zone 6.

Patricia Vaughn

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